
Welcome at Our school website

We at Jagrati Vidhya Mandir think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities because in each one of us there is a private hope and dream which when fulfilled can be translated into benefit of everyone and become a great strength for our nation. We are focused on our mission of making quality education with all round personality development of our students more accessible and affordable so many more students can pursue their dream of excellence. It is a mission we believe, will help make the world a better place. We dedicate ourselves at Jagrati Vidhya Mandir to create human capital for our country and endow the world with beautiful minds. We believe that when our students succeed, countries prosper and societies benefit.
To fulfill this aim,Jagrati Vidhya Mandir schools is establishing the value of pure consciousness in all the students across the Malwa regione, thereby not only helping the students to acquire conventional knowledge for gaining professional skills but also for implementing their total knowledge of natural law in personal life. This allows a student to lead a stress-free and strain free life to accomplish their desires without any difficulty.

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